The surgery went well. It was my first time at this hospital. It's a new hospital _ I think opened in 2006. The staff was great. My surgery was scheduled for 12:30. The surgery started at 12:49. How often is a hospital that on-schedule?
The baby was to wiggley for them to get the heartrate on the dobbler, so they had to do a ultrasound. When the ultrasound machine arrived, it was followed by about 5 nurses and my dr. The nurses rarely get OB patients in the outpatient surgery area and they all wanted to see the ultrasound of the baby. We were all a little disappointed when the dr got the heartrate right away and started to turn the machine off. After the collective disappointed "awww," he looked at the baby a little more.
The surgery lasted about 10 minutes. They gave me a spinal instead of an epi. A spinal is basicly a shot and lasts for a set amount of time. The epi is connected to a IV and can be added to for an unlimited amount of time (which is way it's preferred for labor). When I had the epi for the cerclage with Nolan it hurt so bad. I was dreading that needle in my back again. The spinal didn't hurt nearly as bad and started working immediately. It was great. I loved the spinal.
Cary dropped me off at the hospital yesterday morning. I made him leave at 11. There was no need for him to set around the hospital for 5 hours. Cary and Nolan spent the rest of Friday at Cary's parent's house. My sister picked me up from the hospital at around 4, took me home, and got my meds for me. I slept the rest of night - except for a few minutes when I woke up when Cary and Nolan got home to tell Nolan "goodnight."
Cary got up early this morning when Nolan woke up. Cary changed Nolan's diaper and brought him downstairs. Cary put Nolan in his highchair, I fed Nolan breakfast, and Cary got him out of his highchair. Then, I sent Cary upstairs(after I promised him I would be ok) and Nolan and I played until my parents got there. My parents took Nolan for a day with grandma and grandpa's. They brought him back at bedtime. My mom put him in my lap, I read him a bedtime story, and my mom picked him up and put him in his crib. It worked out great - I got to do my normal mom things without picking up my not-exactly-small Nolan.
Moo stopped by with donuts and diapers (I didn't realize there was a baby out there with thighs bigger then Nolan's). My friends from down the street stopped by to check on me. Cary had plans today and left shortly after Moo stopped by. It actually worked out really well. I was able to sleep all day (and have full control over the remote). And after I over did it this morning while playing with Nolan (after I promised Cary I would be ok), I realized it was best for me to do nothing but sleep today.
I was in a lot of pain when I got home last night. I'm much better now. My discharge orders said I can go back to normal activities tomorrow. I hope my pain agrees. Tomorrow's supposed to be beautiful and I would love to take Nolan to Moo's playground (but, no driving while on pain killers!).
I go back to the doctors (the OB and perinat) Tuesday morning. My perinat (the one who did the surgery - BTW it was the same dr who did what my OB's called the "cerclage of steel" with Nolan) said I can go back to work Monday morning.
I have ultrasound pictures of the little one and a video and pictures of Nolan, but I'm a big slacker and haven't posted them. I'll post them some time - between now and when little one arrives (July 9 is my goal - August 13 is my due date).
Oh yes, PLEASE come over tomorrow! I'll even come and pick you guys up!
Glad you're feeling a little better. Cerclage of steel, lol.
Glad everything went well, I hope you are feeling no pain! Praying for another cerclage of steel!
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