Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cary didn't want me to go back to work today

Cary kept trying to talk me out of going back to work today. I kept telling him I need to go back to work - for my mental well being. I think most people with 2 or more kids will agree that work is great escape. Cary hadn't been feeling well all week. I told him I wasn't going to listen to him whining about not feeling well unless he called the dr. He called the dr Wednesday. The dr told him to go to the hospital. I didn't go back to work today.

It looks like Cary probably has another infection in his heart (endocarditis). He had the same type of infection 1 1/2 weeks after Caleb was born. That was fun. I was going from visiting Cary in the hospital to visiting Caleb in the hospital 30 minutes away every day - just 1 1/2 weeks after having a baby 13 weeks early. That was nice and stressful.

A little history for the newbies -
Cary was born with aortic stenosis. When he was 1 he had open heart surgery. The surgery was just a temporary fix. At the time, they predicted that Cary would need another surgery to replace the valve when he was around 25-30 years old. Well, he just turned 33 and hasn't needed the surgery yet. He goes to the heart dr every 6 months to check for any changes in his heart. When there is a change, it's time to start talking about surgery.

Back to now -
Endocarditis can cause damage to the heart valves. Since he's had it 2 times in just a few years, they are really checking him out. (endocarditis can also lead to death. I'm very glad the dr didn't tell us that until after Cary was feeling better last time. I'm not sure if I could handle knowing that Caleb and Cary could have died at the same time.) Cary checked into the hospital Wednesday afternoon and will be here at least one more day. So far they have taking tons of blood, they have done an EKG, TEE, echo, and a CT scan. (you can look those up on webmd - I don't know how to link this from this computer. "Why don't I just get my lazy butt up and walk across the room and switch computers?" you ask. Well, because I'm lazy.) A couple of heart dr have stopped by and a couple of heart surgeons have stopped by. The infectious disease dr (sounds all scary doesn't it?) will stop by later today.

Nolan and Grace spent some time at my parent's house last night and are with Cary's parents now. (Wonder if they will notice if I leave them there for a few days while I go home and sleep for more the 3 hours at a time.)

Any questions?

I know what 1/2 of you are going to say. We will call if we need help. (Rachel will be getting a call in a few minutes and if she can't help, Moo, you're next!)

Cary just got back from the CT scan.

I'll update on Nolan and Grace later. (I haven't forgotten that I need to tell you about Grace's trip to the ER) Wow! Too much hospital!!

Cary does not have endocarditis. He will probably be going home Friday.


Anonymous said...

You should've been a nurse. Or a cardiologist. Our family sure could use one! Yes please, let us know if we can do anything. I am not sure what I'd do with 4 kids, but I know another family member who wouldn't even notice if you dropped 2 more on top of her 4.:) Never mind about Grace's trip to the e.r., it really isn't important and no one else really needs to know what I did to your kid, right? just between us? I didn't think so...

Anonymous said...

okay, just looked up Cary's tests and "ooh." Poor Cary. Except for the EKG, none of Cary's tests seem all that fun. Be nice to him today!

Sarah Furlough said...

Oh no, you must be so stressed! I am sending lots of get well vibes to Cary, and some strength to you as well. Please keep us all posted!

Anonymous said...

Praying for some peace and rest for all of you. And healing!!

moo said...

glad that it'snot more serious ... I'm home today (friday), sunday, and monday all by my lonesome. Call me if you need help or just a rational adult to talk to.