Tomorrow would have been Caleb's first birthday.
I don't know what to say. I miss him.
I wish he was here to meet his little brother. I wish he was crawling all over the house. I wish I could see him chasing the cats. I wish I was getting the house ready for our friends and family to come over for his first birthday party. But, I'm not. He taught me so much. He made me the person I am today.
Caleb touched so many lifes. His work on earth was done. I wish it wasn't. I wish he could be here forever. I wish he was still here.
I hope they have birthday cake in Heaven. Caleb deserves to stick his head in some good sugary cake.
(While I'm typing this I'm listening Nolan sleep-farting over the baby moniter. Anyone want to change his diaper?)
Speaking of the gasman - Nolan has a weight check tomorrow. He is getting big. He has outgrown some of his up to 5lb clothes!