Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It's a boy!!!!!

I apologize for being late with this. Elizabeth said her hubby was going to do this last night.

Nolan Cary was born last night at 5:59 by c-section. The stinker wouldn't flip and was still breech.

He weighed 5 pounds even and was 18 inches long.

Mom and baby are doing fine.

Guest posted by Hedda


Anonymous said...

Not trying to step on any toes, but...

I don't know if Hedda was joking or not, but the baby's name isn't Nolan Ryan. That was a famous baseball player. :-) His name is actually Nolan Cary (middle name after his father). Hopefully you all will check the comments and see this.

Nolan Ryan just rolls off the tongue though...

And here's the best part, as of now, it's looking like Nolan will get to go home with her tomorrow.


Oh, and I've already told Elizabeth at least twice today, but Congratulations!!! Thought I should say it in print.

M said...

Ha, that's so funny about the name confusion! I was NOT expecting this when I checked your site today!! What a great surprise! I'm sure you're relieved not to be pregnant and on bedrest anymore, and little Nolan must look HUGE at a whopping 5 lbs! And you guys are possibly coming home tomorrow?! Together?! Awesome news all around. I'm very happy for all of you and can't wait to see pictures of the little one (no more using the big belly as an excuse for not being able to plug in the camera cable! Although I'll give you a little break on the whole incision-across-your-abdomen thing).

Can you tell I ramble when I'm excited? Anyway, congratulations again!

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to see the little man in person and he is a cutie!!! If there were any doubts...which there are not.."when it comes to one day old Nolan, Cary....You ARE the father". If you are a Maury fan, then the quote will mean something to you. Nolan looks just like his daddy.

Hedda said...

Aw crap! I keep doing that.

Sorry. I fixed it.

Anonymous said...


I take one day off from blog-reading and this is what happens!!!

Congratulations and prayers to momma, baby and daddy - hope everyone is doing well and I cannot WAIT for more news! And pictures - I want pictures.

*HUGS!!!* From a total stranger who is overjoyed for you all.

Team Zachary said...

YAY AY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!! So glad little Nolan hung in there and that everyone is A-OK!!! Congrats Cary and Elizabeth!!!!

Courtney Houser

The Queen B said...

What a wonderful surprise to come here and see that little Nolan has already been born...healthy and ready to go home, so exciting and thrilled for you guys.

Many congrats!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post!!!