Monday, July 07, 2008


I had a post all ready to go about how I'm about to hit 35 weeks and how I haven't been to labor & delivery yet.

Then, we hit a little bump (actually a couple of bumps).

My nurse came Saturday to give me the P17 shots (to help prevent preterm labor). When she was listening to the baby's heartbeat, it sounded irregular. She recommended that I go to labor & delivery just to get things checked out a little more. The baby's heart looks great. They think that when the baby would take a practice breath it would shift just enough to where on the doppler and heart monitor looked like the heartrate skipped but it was really just the baby moving. While I was there on the monitors, they noticed I was having some contractions. They gave me a couple of shots to stop the contractions and sent me home.

Sunday, the contractions came back. Monday morning I finally gave in and called my dr. She told me to go to labor & delivery for observation. By the time I got there, I was having contractions every 3 minutes! After laying around in the hospital for a few hours, the contractions settled down. My cervix is still long and I'm just a fingertip dilated so the dr sent me home. I'm on bed rest tonight and I allowed to go back to work and do my regular activties tomorrow.

Not sure how much longer this baby is going to stay in. But, it's ok. The hospital has me listed as being 35 weeks, 1 day today. Nolan was born at 35 weeks. If this baby ends up coming out this week, we'll probably end up with another cute, tiny, healthy baby.

Back to the post I started working on last week...
here is the most recent 3-d image of the baby
and a shot of my basketball-belly


moo said...

maybe it was all that walking you did on Thursday ... and you don't look that big in person ;)

You kept saying July 9th ... and that's TOMORROW. But it would be nice for baby to cook another week or so ... call me if you need anything.

Becci said...

Hope that baby bakes a bit longer for you, but either way at this point I'm sure the baby will be perfect! Can't wait to "meet" the little one:) I just got my cerclage in 2 weeks ago, so it's wait time now for me!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to meet the newest Locke. I think it is another Locke boy. I can see a mini Cary in the 3-D picture. Congrats on making it to 35 weeks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good words.